Instructor Recertification Track

Certified TapRooT® Instructors must attend this Track and a pre-Summit Course every time we hold the Summit (since we are now on an 18-month schedule) to maintain certification and continue teaching the 2-Day TapRooT® RCA Course.

Why do we require attendance and a course to maintain certification? We want our Certified Instructors to become more knowledgable and a better instructor every year. We want them to learn new ideas and best practices from other TapRooT® Certified Instructors and get the latest TapRooT® Instructor material and tips to make your 2-Day TapRooT® Courses even better. Plus, you need to keep up with the latest improvements in the TapRooT® Software and build a better roadmap to success to keep your TapRooT® Program state-of-the-art.

So, REGISTER NOW and join us at the Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, TN, on October 1 – 3, 2025.

Learn About Each Session in This Track...

Training Beyond the Mistake
What's new in the TapRooT® Software
Teaching TapRooT® RCA Best Practices Roundtable
Lions, Tiger, & Bears! Don't Fear the Equifactor®
Continuing Training to Improve RCA
Training Opportunities Using Pathways
Million Dollar Mastermind
Instructor Recertification: Part 1
Instructor Recertification: Part 2