2025 Global TapRooT® Summit

Knoxville, Tennessee

Pre-Summit Courses  September 29 – 30, 2025
Global TapRooT® Summit  October 1 – 3, 2025



The 31st Global TapRooT® Summit - Use Links Below to Find Out More!

Pre-Summit Courses
Karl Mecklenburg
Keynote Speakers
Recent Updates
Best Practice Tracks
Horseshoe Bay Resort near Austin, Texas
Venue & Hotel
Michelle at the reception

Join us for Summit Week

Summit week begins with our optional pre-Summit courses. SAVE $300 when you register for a pre-Summit Course and the Summit. Pick the pre-Summit course that is right for you…

After the pre-Summit course, attend the Global TapRooT® Summit to network, benchmark, and learn best practices, including:

See the details of each track by clicking on the links above. Customize your Summit experience by choosing sessions from any track. Earn CEUs for both the Summit and a pre-Summit Course.

Best Problem-Solver Summit

In 1994, we started the TapRooT® Summit as a three-day meeting of the best TapRooT® Users. The Summit has grown into an international event with world-renowned speakers and multiple tracks designed to share performance improvement best practices across industries and professions.

Why is the Summit so valuable?

First, we know the issues that you have and need to improve. How? We teach root cause analysis to the world’s leading companies. This makes us premier “knowledge-brokers.” We use this knowledge to design the Summit to address your biggest challenges.

Second, we make networking fun. The Summit is the BEST networking/benchmarking event. Meet people from industry-leading companies, performance-Improvement experts, and our knowledgeable TapRooT® Instructors from around the world.

Third, TapRooT® Users share their Success Stories as part of the Summit. Look at the Summit Schedule and see the many sessions that address issues that you face. Attend the Summit to learn new best practices to improve performance at your company.

Summit Participants

Networking at the Summit

Hundreds of companies send experts/teams to the Summit to bring back great ideas to improve performance. Here is a sample of the companies at previous Summits…

Abbott Labs | AES | Alcoa | Ameren | Anglo Gold | Ashland | Babcock & Wilcox | Barrick | Bayer | Boart Longyear | Cameco | Champion Technologies | Chevron | CNSC | Cogentrix | ConocoPhillips | Corteva | CSB | Duke Energy | DuPont | Encana | Entergy | EPA | Exelon | ExxonMobil | FAA | FedEx | First Energy | Flint Hills Refining | Fluor | GE | General Dynamics | Genentech | Good Samaritan Hospital | Halliburton | Hess | Hydro One | INPO | Integris Health | Irving Oil | KBR | Luminant | Marathon | Mercy Hospital | M-I SWACO | Matrix Services | Military Healthcare System | Momentive | Monsanto | MSHA | Norsk Hydro | NRC | NTSB | Nutrien | ORNL | Oxy | Parsons | Petro-Canada | Petrobras | Pfizer | Pratt & Whitney | Praxair | Qantas | Rio Tinto | Rust-Oleum | Sandia National Labs | Sasol | Saudi Aramco | Sealed Air | Shell | Siemens | SKF | Subsea 7 | Suncor | Talisman | Total | TVA | Valero | Vestas | Wacker | Weatherford | Westar

Bring Your Team & SAVE!

Register multiple attendees and SAVE up to $800 per attendee when they register for the Summit and a pre-Summit Course. CLICK HERE to see all the courses that could benefit your team.

2024 discounts SAVE

Guaranteed Summit

Attend the Global TapRooT® Summit. Go back to work and implement your roadmap to success. If you don’t save 10 times the cost of the Summit fee, let us know and return your Summit materials and we will refund 100% of the Summit registration fee. This guarantee shows how certain we are that you will learn valuable best practices to take your team’s performance—and that of your whole organization—to the next level.

People Recommend the Summit

Pat, Suncor: “Fantastic speakers and sessions. I’m taking a lot of tools back to improve performance.”

Teresa, Irving Oil: “The Summit was fun! There were wonderful speakers. I have a lot of good information to take back to my workplace.”

Rich, PPL Electric Utilities: “Well organized. This was my first Summit and from the start to the end was a great experience and great networking.”

Jeff, Halliburton: “It’s like a family reunion except you meet root cause experts from around the world.”

Dave, Marathon: “Very Valuable. Well-organized multiple breakout sessions with good practices and even some things not to do.

Jeff, First Energy: “This is my second Summit in a row and each time I come, I learn new, valuable things to take back to work and apply,”