Get to Know Alex Paradies: A TapRooT® RCA Next-Gen Expert

Meet a New TapRooT® Expert – Alex Paradies
Alex Paradies is a TapRooT® Strategic Advisor. He’s also a terrific TapRooT® Instructor and Course Developer. On LinkedIn, Alex sums up the importance of his work:
“Root cause analysis saves lives and
improves efficiency while reducing costs.”
He lives these words through his dedication to training people in courses such as the recent Stopping Human Error Course.
Learn the Best Root Cause Analysis from Alex Paradies
Alex Paradies helps clients learn how to maximize TapRooT® RCA as an investigative and predictive method. As an instructor, he looks forward to meeting and working with new experts in different industries. Alex came on board full-time in 2019 but is no stranger to TapRooT® RCA. It’s no coincidence that he shares the last name of the co-developer of TapRooT®, Mark Paradies. Alex has grown up in the business and is excited about the next generation of TapRooT® Experts. Check out the Stopping Human Error TapRooT® course, which Alex and Mark Paradies co-taught this month. It’s a course that will benefit every TapRooT® User, as well as everyone working in a corporation, period. Mark wrote the Stopping Human Error book which accompanies the course.
When Alex Joined SI, He Added Years of
Management, Engineering, and Quality
Experience to the TapRooT® Team
Alex’s experience includes more than six years of experience at The Timken Company, where he skillfully managed over 100 workers in a competitive job shop environment. He also gained skill, knowledge, and know-how as an Industrial Engineering Manager, Sr. Lean Engineer, a reliability intern at Novelis, and an undergraduate researcher.
Alex has a B.S. in Material Science & Engineering and a minor in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee. His sights are set “firmly on safety—bringing continuous improvement to manufacturing, logistics, operations, and quality.”
“My background in manufacturing operations has made me acutely aware that what people want and need is a root cause system that works. Plain and simple, it needs to work for supervisors, specialists, and managers, regardless of experience. Typically, management has to focus much of its time coaching its team how to use “simple” tools that end up not being simple nor effective. I think back on how much more effective my teams could have been if a powerful tool like TapRooT® was available to us. Now, my goal is to make sure that our partners seize every opportunity for improvement of their safety, quality, and maintenance programs.”
Alex Enjoys Hiking, Backpacking,
and His Family
“There is nothing more peaceful than sitting on the top of the mountain in the morning, watching the fog lift from the valley below.”
As proof positive that one cannot start learning too young, Alex’s three-year-old daughter is currently training to become the next-next-generation of TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Expert. Check out her progress in this wildly popular article by her father.
Connect with Alex; contact him via email:; or read his blogs.
Finally, he is presenting a free webinar: “The 7 Secrets of Root Cause Analysis.” Get more information and register at this link: