Are You A Toddler RCA User?

We’re gonna get real homey here, discussing Toddler RCA as well as what level you represent in practicing root cause analysis. Are you adulting in your strategic practice of RCA?
My wife and I have been working on making our home a “yes space” for our 10-month-old, almost a toddler son. We’ve set up living spaces according to the Safeguard Hierarchy using the strongest feasible solutions.

If he were to wander off, there’s only so much trouble he CAN get into.
- No kids go to the emergency room for drinking a vinegar-based cleaner.
- There’s only so hard you can bonk your head on carpet.
- Phone cords stay between the couch cushions.
- I use the Nugget WAY more than he does!
Funny: I was learning about other RCA systems . . .

and having read ahead about a child’s developmental stages, I couldn’t help but notice the similarity between how a toddler learns and how these other RCA systems work.
- Both find answers based only on the current collective knowledge
- Neither has an established endpoint – you may, in fact, need to go much deeper than asking why a mere 5 times to find a true root cause.
- Both frustrate inexperienced facilitators – “I don’t know” or even the best option “why do YOU think” aren’t very productive or enlightening.
- Neither is structured or guided
- Both leave you without corrective actions that fix the root causes
Are we really attempting to solve complex systemic human performance and equipment problems like a toddler?
Don’t fall into the trap of only using TapRooT® RCA for major incidents in your workplace! The ways of thinking I’ve learned in the TapRooT® process have improved almost every facet of my home life. Proactively fixing root causes makes life enjoyable by removing frustrations and bad practices.
You’re Sparking Joy for your business practices.
Characteristics unique to TapRooT® RCA:
- Evidence-based and objective;
- Legally defensible;
- Requisite Variety to resolve human performance issues;
- Repeatable by any team makeup;
- Standardized;
- Structured and easy to use!
Toddler RCA is like cutting your lawn with scissors when a riding lawn mower, or better yet a robotic lawn mower, is right here!
Use a tool that’s appropriate to the challenges you face, and that produces a MUCH more effective solution with way less effort.
Sign up for a TapRooT® course and learn how adults do root cause analysis.
TapRooT® has been designed for investigating seemingly simple problems that could have been worse (precursor incidents) by using a simple 5-step process. TapRooT® can also be used to investigate major accidents by using the complete 7-step process.
- The 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course teaches the essential techniques for investigating precursor incidents and fixing them to prevent major accidents.
- The Equifactor® Training Course also teaches how to use the TapRooT® techniques and Equifactor® troubleshooting tables to stop equipment problems.
- The 5-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Course teaches the complete 7-step TapRooT® process and techniques to investigate major accidents, serious environmental releases, fatalities, major plant upsets, and serious injuries.
Image credit: Many thanks for the image by 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay.