TapRooT® Summit – Get Amped Up in the Investigator Track!

Ken Reed
We’re going to start off with a session that lets our TapRooT® Users Share Best Practices with you. What better way to learn about best practice ideas than to get them directly from other users who are successfully implementing at their company? This session is always one of the most useful, hands-on sessions at our Summit.
Are your investigations any good? Mark Paradies is going to run a session on how to properly Grade Your Investigations. He’ll give you industry best-practice ideas on what really matters in an investigation. This isn’t just a high-level thought experiment; you’ll walk away with a grading sheet that you can customize for your company that will allow you to put an actual number grade on each investigation. This is a great way to improve each and every investigation.
Are you ready to implement TapRooT® at your company, but not sure how to get started? Ed Skompski will be leading a session on How to do a New Implementation of TapRooT®. We’ve helped many companies figure out what they need to do for a successful, long-term TapRooT® implementation, and he’s ready to share those ideas with you. Wouldn’t you love to have an implementation checklist?!
Barb Phillips is going to have a couple of sessions on individual investigator techniques. Interviewing Behaviors and Body Language will help you learn advanced skills to perform more effective interviews. The Investigation Team Leader session will give you pointers on how to lead more complex investigations from the perspective of the lead facilitator. These are both going to be terrific sessions for all TapRooT® investigators.
Wouldn’t it be nice to ask all the right questions at your very first interview? In addition to Barb’s topic on body language, we’re going to look even more deeply at how to use The 15 Questions To Identify Interview Topics. This will help you better plan your interviews to ensure you minimize the number of follow-up interviews required during your investigations.
We’ve had many requests to speak in more detail about the intricacies of a few of the Root Cause Tree® Basic Cause Categories. This year, we are going to Deep Dive into Procedures and Management Systems. We’ll show you where some of these root causes come from, and how to recognize them during your investigations.
I’m really excited about my track this year. If you are a TapRooT® investigator, you will not want to miss these sessions. Plan on being in San Antonio next year; don’t miss out on this opportunity!!
Learn more: http://www.taproot.com/taproot-summit/