New Book 3 Explains Low-to-Medium Risk TapRooT® Incident Investigations

New Book 3 for Low-to-Medium Risk Incident Investigations
In 2008 we wrote the book TapRooT® – Changing the Way the World Solves Problems. In one book, we stuffed in all the information we thought was needed for anyone from a beginner to an expert trying to improve their root cause analysis program. It was a great book – very complete.
As the years passed, I realized that everybody didn’t need everything. In fact, everything might even seem confusing to those who were just getting started. They just wanted to be able to apply the proven essential TapRooT® Techniques to investigate low-to-moderate risk incidents.
Finally, I understood. For a majority of users, the big book was overkill. They wanted something simpler. Something that was easy to understand and as easy as possible to use and get consistent, high-quality results. They wanted to use TapRooT® RCA but didn’t care about trending, investigating fatalities, advanced interviewing techniques, or optional techniques that they would not be applying.
Therefore, I spent months deciding what the bare essentials were and how they could be applied as simply as possible while still being effective. Then Linda Unger and I spent more months writing an easy-to-read 50-page book explaining everything. (Yes … it takes more work to write something simple.)
Book 3 Contents
Chapter 1: When is a Basic Investigation Good Enough?
Chapter 2: How to Investigate a Fairly Simple Problem Using the Basic Tools of the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System
- Find Out What Happened & Draw a SnapCharT®
- Decision: Stop or More to Learn?
- Find Causal Factors Using Safeguard Analysis
- Find Root Causes Using the Root Cause Tree® Diagram
- Develop Fixes Using the Corrective Action Helper Module
- Optional Step: Find and Fix Generic Causes
- What is Left Out of a Basic Investigation to Make it Easy?
Chapter 3: Comparing the Results of a 5-Why Investigation to a Basic TapRooT® Investigation
Appendix A: Quick Reference: How to Perform a Basic TapRooT® Investigation
Purchase Your Copy
The new book and philosophy are incorporated into our 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course. You can buy the new book (that comes with the latest Dictionary, Root Cause Tree®, and TapRooT® Corrective Action Helper® Guide) from our website. See:
I think you will find the book invaluable because it has just what you need to get everything you need for root cause analysis of low-to-medium risk incidents in just 10% of the old book’s pages.
We are developing another nine books, and the whole set will take the place of the old 2008 TapRooT® Book. CHECK HERE to see which books are available.