Lifting and Hoisting Recommended Practices: IOGP

A new IOGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers) report lays out updated lifting and hoisting recommended practices.
OGP Report 376 – Lifting and hoisting recommended practice: Originally published in 2006, Report 376 has been comprehensively updated and will enable a significant reduction in lifting incidents among IOGP Member Companies and our contractors by highlighting the essential principles of safe lifting and encouraging their strict application to lifting and hoisting operations.
Secondly, this report aims to assist those responsible in planning, managing, and controlling lifting and hoisting operations by providing high level principles and operative questions to check safety and technical compliance at working sites.
This recommended practice applies equally to onshore and offshore lifting and hoisting operations, including associated transport and handling. This Report’s recommendations are relevant throughout the entire lifecycle of an oil and gas operation, and can be applied to all offshore and onshore mechanical lifting and hoisting activities.
IOGP strongly recommends that all companies conducting lifting activities have a management system that includes specific procedures based on a full assessment of the risks and control measures required.
Content and image credit: IOGP, (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers), Report 376.
Read the full IOGP report here.
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