Interviewing & Evidence Collection Tip: Are you Ready for the Unexpected?

No one wants an accident to happen but it’s important to be ready. Here are four things to get into place so you will be:
1. Formal investigation policy. Do you have a policy that sets out the reporting process, goals of investigation and the systematic process an investigator will use to complete the investigation? Has it been updated within the past year?
2. Emergency response. Is your response plan written down? Do you have trained responders who can administer care and who will mitigate additional damages after an accident? Has the list of first responders been evaluated within the past year (people come and go and new people may need to be trained).
3. Accident investigation training. Do all employees know how to report accidents and near-misses? Are all of your investigators trained in the systematic process of investigation set out in your investigation policy?
4. Accident investigation kit. Do you have tools and equipment that aids your investigators gathered together in a grab-and-go kit? This varies from facility to facility, industry to industry. It may be as simple as forms (such as a form to record initial observations of the witnesses) and a disposable camera.
Join me and Reb Brickey on February 26 and 27, 2018 in Knoxville, Tennessee for our TapRooT® Evidence Collection and Interviewing Techniques to Sharpen Investigation Skills to learn more about this topic.