Improvement Ideas from the 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit

The 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit was a resounding success! I first wanted to thank our huge family of TapRooT® Users for attending this year. It is your improvement ideas and sharing of your experiences successfully using TapRooT® RCA that make such an impact on other TapRooT® Users around the world.
It’s tough to pick my favorite session this year. We had another terrific set of best practice tracks and keynote speakers who were able to touch a personal note with me.
Inky Johnson was a particular highlight for me. If you don’t know his story, check him out here: Inky Johnson. His way of motivating you to do better at all you do is 100% applicable to both your personal and professional life.

Getting practical, best-practice ideas from our users that you can actually take back to your company is a hallmark of the TapRooT® Summit. This year, Claus Rose (VP of EHS at General Electric Renewables) gave us his personal experiences of fully implementing TapRooT® at a global company. He walked us through the reasons GE decided to use TapRooT®, how it has been integrated into the very culture of the company, and the almost immediate results they’ve seen due to their use of the system. Getting buy-in from senior-level management right up front, and then driving change from the top showed me the importance of not just making improvement a “flavor of the month.” Ensuring your team understands the direction they are going and the benefits of the final improvement picture make such a difference.

We are so appreciative of our TapRooT® Family. We are in the throes of planning next year’s Summit at the Margaritaville Lake Resort at Lake Conroe, near Houston, Texas, on April 24-28, 2023. This will be one of our largest Summits to date, giving us the opportunity to learn from an even larger group of TapRooT® Users.

Looking forward to seeing you there and sharing your improvement ideas!