Are You Getting the Root Cause Network™ Newsletter?

Don’t Miss Weekly Updates and Valuable Lessons Learned
The Root Cause Network™ Newsletter provides a weekly summary of the postings in this blog, plus information about upcoming TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses and the annual Global TapRooT® Summit.
Each week, you will get information about:
- Current accidents and incidents,
- Root cause analysis tips,
- Remembering past major accidents,
- The “How Far Away is Death,” “What Does a Bad Day Look Like,” and “Friday Joke” articles.
- The monthly “Rickover Quotes” article,
- Job opening for people with TapRooT® Skills,
- Locations and dates for upcoming public TapRooT® RCA Courses,
- Updates on free webinars,
- Regulatory changes that impact TapRooT® Users,
- TapRooT® Software updates and tips.
Register for the Newsletter
What do you have to pay for this valuable information? Nothing. It’s FREE. All you have to do is register.
How do you register? Scroll down to the bottom of this page. On the right side, you will find a form. The only information required is your preferred e-mail address, your name, and your company name.
To continue to receive the Root Cause Network™ Newsletter, all you have to do is open it at least once a month. But we hope you will open it every week to refresh your TapRooT® RCA knowledge and update your root cause analysis skills (or at least laugh at the Friday Joke).
Scroll down and register now.