Admiral Rickover’s Original High-Reliability Organization – 2025 Summit Session

Admiral Rickover built the FIRST (perhaps only) high-reliability organization – the Nuclear Navy.

This session explains how Rickover created the culture of the Nuclear Navy, the standards he set, the performance he achieved (as Forbes magazine wrote: America’s Nuclear Navy is one of the oldest and largest nuclear organizations in the world and has the best safety record of any industry), and the ways that it has lived on long after Admiral Rickover was retired.
Not all the stories are success stories. There are potential improvements that could be implemented. But if you understand the standards maintained by the Nuclear Navy, you will realize why governmentally required programs fall short and continue to allow process safety accidents to occur.
Mark Paradies, the speaker for this session, was interviewed by Admiral Rickover, served on two nuclear-powered ships, was qualified as an “Engineer” by NAVSEA 08 (the headquarters Nuclear Navy organization), and has studied Rickover’s methods for decades. Don’t be misled by academic studies of high-reliability organizations by people who have never achieved high-reliability. Mark (someone who has been there and paid the price) will explain why achieving high reliability is so difficult.
Session Details and Summit Info

Learn about Admiral Rickover and high-reliability organizations at the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit, which will be held on October 1-3 at the Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, TN. This session will be held on October 3, 2025, from 10:00 to 10:50 a.m.
This session is in the High-Reliability Organization Best Practices Track. But you can customize your schedule and attend this session when you sign up for any of the eight tracks.
What are the eight Best Practice Tracks at the 2024 Global Summit? CLICK HERE to review them.
Get more Summit information by CLICKING HERE.
See the five Keynote Speakers topics HERE.
Download the eight-page Summit brochure HERE.
See the complete Summit schedule at THIS LINK.
Learn about the 11 special Pre-Summit Courses being held on September 29-30, 2025 (just before the Summit) by CLICKING HERE.
SAVE when you attend both the Summit and a pre-Summit Course. Save even more when you bring a team (up to $900 per person).

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