Top 8 Benefits of On-Site Training
Do you have ten or more people who need to get root cause analysis and incident investigation skills training? We can deliver your on-site training, and get that checked off of your list. On-site training can be in-person but it has also evolved from training employees at a specific physical location to training employees globally via virtual, instructor-led training. So, remote training is another option we can explore with you.
Benefits of On-Site Training (In-person or Virtual)
On-site training:
- is more cost-effective for larger groups.
- reduces time away from the plant – no travel days.
- can be scheduled at a time convenient for your employees.
- can be customized to fit your needs.
- offers confidentiality for your company when sensitive information about your organization is shared by students in the training room (accidents, injuries and quality defects are often confidential topics!).
- promotes team-building as your employees work together to solve problems.
- promotes peer learning as employees gain insight from others’ questions and learn from their peers as well as the instructor.
- Gets everyone trained and up-to-speed all at once!
Types of Training We Deliver On-Site
We can deliver any type of training we offer to your facility, in-person or virtually. Our implementation specialists can tailor our courses to suit your company’s needs and budget. Some popular courses you may be interested in are:
2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course
5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training
Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting
TapRooT® Evidence Collection and Interviewing Techniques Course
Customize your On-Site Training
Did you know that we can also customize your on-site training? Many of our courses can be combined to rapidly increase your employee’s skillset with just the addition of one training day. For example, some companies opt for the 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course plus one day of Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting, or the 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course plus one day of evidence collection training (investigative interviewing skills is very popular!). We understand training is not a one-size-fits-all. We can combine trainings to maximize the benefit to your employees.
Schedule a Free Demo or Contact Us for a Training Quote
If you are new to TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis, we’d love to schedule a free demo where we can talk about our training solutions (and a few awesome possibilities you may not have considered). It will save you a significant amount of planning time as well as money because you will have better information to make budget decisions. A demo is the BEST way to learn about what’s new as well as what’s tried and true. Ask our experts anything!
If you have had Root Cause Analysis Training, and know what type of training you’d like at your facility, let us know by contacting us for a quote.