4th of July Safety Tips

Around 13,000 people are treated for injuries in the ER every year due to mishandling or misfiring fireworks. Also, approximately $20 million in property damage claims are made because people do not take the necessary precautions to prevent fires when shooting fireworks. So, ensuring you have a fun and safe 4th of July is worth the time and effort.
4th of July Safety Tips
To make sure you or a loved one doesn’t end up in a hospital or have their house burnt down, follow these simple 4th of July safety tips. You want to avoid making the local news headlines!
Outdoor Safety
- Apply and reapply sunscreen.
- Wear protective apparel when participating in outdoor activities.
- Stay hydrated.
- NEVER leave children alone or unattended around a body of water.
- Teach children essential water safety tips.
- Wear a life vest when boating and jet skiing.
- Be aware of bonfires and fire pits.
- Before kids play outdoors in a playground or other outdoor toys, check for bees, wasps, nests, snakes, and other dangerous critters.
- Check the local weather and be prepared for storms and high heat.

Firework Safety
- Make sure you follow local laws/ordinances when handling fireworks.
- Have a fire extinguisher, a bucket of water, and charged water hose nearby.
- Assign a responsible and SOBER adult to supervise all fireworks activities.
- DO NOT give fireworks to children.
- When shooting fireworks, make sure you stay away from vehicles, structures, brushes, leaves, or any flammable substance.
- Make sure your pets are in a safe and secure space before shooting fireworks.
- Never attempt to relight a “dud” firework.

Food Safety
- Don’t leave perishable foods in the hot sun. Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot.
- Never leave an active grill unattended.
- Use your grill out in the open. Never use a grill under porches/overhangs or close to any flammable structure.
- Keep pets and children away from open flames/hot grills.
- Cover your food and protect it from insects.

Happy 4th of July!
Following these tips can help ensure you have a fun and safe holiday for yourself, your family, and your pets.
So, have fun, be safe, and if there is an emergency, don’t hesitate to call 9-1-1.