3 Reasons to Register Your Team for the Global TapRooT® Summit

Why is the Global TapRooT® Summit so valuable to you and your team?
First, in planning the Global TapRooT® Summit, we focus on the issues that you and your team have and need to improve. How? We teach root cause analysis to the world’s leading companies.
The exposure and interaction with global leaders makes TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis premier “knowledge-brokers.” We use this knowledge to design the Global TapRooT® Summit to address your biggest challenges, to help you solve your problems — large or small, and to facilitate keeping your workers safe and utilizing best practices.
The 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit
Horseshoe Bay Resort, near Austin, Texas
Pre-Summit Courses April 29-30
Global TapRooT® Summit May 1-3
Second, we make networking FUN! The Summit is the BEST networking/benchmarking event you can possibly attend. Meet people from industry-leading companies, performance-Improvement experts, and our knowledgeable TapRooT® Instructors from around the world.
Third, TapRooT® Users share their Success Stories as part of the Summit. Browse the Summit Schedule and see the many sessions that address issues that you and your team face. Attend the Global TapRooT® Summit to learn new best practices to improve performance at your company.
The TapRooT® Summit: Guaranteed to bring results in your team’s performance and save money when you register!
Attend the Global TapRooT® Summit. Go back to work and implement your roadmap to success. If you don’t save 10 times the cost of the Summit fee, let us know and return your Summit materials and we will refund 100% of the Summit registration fee. This guarantee shows how certain we are that you will learn valuable best practices to take your team’s performance — and that of your whole organization — to the next level.
Register multiple attendees and SAVE up to $800 per attendee when they register for the Summit and a pre-Summit Course. CLICK HERE to see 2-Day Pre-Summit courses that will benefit your team.
The Global TapRooT® Summit is the best problem-solver event, period
In 1994, we started the Global TapRooT® Summit as a three-day meeting of the best TapRooT® Users. The Summit has grown into an international event with world-renowned speakers and multiple tracks designed to share performance improvement best practices across industries and professions.
Register your team now for the Global TapRooT® Summit.