What’s a CAPER?

Do you know what a CAPER is?
It seems that every profession has to create its own language.
For example, if you want to be a nuclear industry root cause analyst, you have to know what a “CAPER” is.
Are you interested? Read on!
A CAPER is a:
Corrective Action to
Prevent Event Recurrence
Why can’t nuclear root cause analysts just use the English words “corrective action”? That’s easy.
If they used plain English, everyone would understand what they are talking about.
What’s Your Secret Language?
TapRooT® Users have a few secret words:
- SPAC Not Used
Of course, TapRooT® Users have the Root Cause Tree® Dictionary that defines everything on the Root Cause Tree® Diagram. This helps everyone use consistent terminology that helps ensure consistent root cause analysis.
Do you have any funny, ridiculous, obtuse, interesting, or just plain stupid root cause acronyms (or other secret languages) that you would like to share? Use the comments box below and please share what they mean.
LTA = Less Than Adequate
PIO = Potential Improvement Opportunity
CNP Curious Non-Producer.
SMARTER: Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Reasonable, Timely, Effective, Reviewed