Webinar: Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Training

On Thursday, June 29, 2023, Marcus Miller will present “Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Training.” This free webinar will provide awareness of common training development mistake, their potential impact, and how to avoid them in your next development phase.
Who Is Marcus Miller?
Marcus has been with TapRooT® for over five years. He is a certified TapRooT® instructor and a strategic advisor to companies looking to implement TapRooT® into their culture. He is passionate about TapRooT® because he sees the value it can add to a company, such as protecting lives, the environment, and their business interest each and everyday.
What Will I Learn?

In this free webinar, you will learn about three key points.
- How to identify common mistakes made when developing a training program
- What happens if those mistakes aren’t corrected, and what is the potential impact of those mistakes
- Tips on how to avoid making those training development mistakes
To learn more about these three key points, sign-up for Marcus’s free webinar by clicking the button below. Our webinars usually last about 20 minutes, and once you register you will receive a link to our webinar page.
What to Expect
Once you register a “Thank You” message will display. In this message, you will receive a link to our webinar page where you can watch past webinars and videos. The day before, you will receive a reminder email with the webinar link. Sometime before Thursday, June 29, you will see a video labeled premiere. You will want to click on that video a few minutes before the webinar begins.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Emily Pritt by email: pritt@taproot.com.