Trending Safety Statistics

Does Trending Safety Statistics Baffle You?
As Mark Twain said:
“Figures often beguile me, particularly when I
have to arrange them myself;
in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli
would often apply with justice and force:
‘There are three kinds of lies:
lies, damned lies, and statistics.'”
What do you need to know to develop graphs and trends that will enlighten your management and help you understand real safety trends? Trendings that tell you how your systems are behaving. Graphs that help you judge what is a significant trend and what is normal variation.
A Real Trend?
The International Oil & Gas Producers sent out a yearly report on the safety statistics of their members. You can get your copy here:
I took the data from the fatalities graph on page 7 and put it in a graph.
What does it tell us?
One could say that improvements that resulted from the Deepwater Horizon accident (that happened in 2010) caused safety to improve oil industry (as shown by the graph). But is that true?
What other major changes happened in the oil industry between 2009 and 2018? Could they impact the fatality graph?
What about your safety, quality, equipment reliability, or production performance stats? What is a real trend and what is random variation?
Learn Trending Best Practice at the Global TapRooT® Summit
There is a best practices session coming up at the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit, titled:
Trending Techniques for Incident Data
Here is what the session description says:
What trending techniques do you use?
What ones are recommended by the TapRooT® System?
How do you make them work?
Mark Paradies will provide
an overview of trending
best practices and answer
participants’ questions.
To hear from the author of the book, Performance Measures and Trending for Safety, Quality, & Business Management, and get a rapid start to improving your trending practices, REGISTER for the Summit.
More About the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit
When is the Summit? June 16-18.
When are the pre-Summit courses? June 14-15.
Is this a live, in-person Summit or a virtual Summit? Both. It is being held live in Knoxville, TN and you can live-stream it wherever you are. Get more info about the options at this link:
If at all possible, I would recommend attending the Summit in person. But if are you worried about COVID, here are our COVID precautions:
What other best practice session should you attend and who are the Keynote Speakers? See:
Would you like to bring your whole improvement team to the Summit? Find out about multiple attendee discounts here:
What do past attendees have to say about the value of attending the Summit?
Next, Read The Trending Book
After the Summit, read the whole trending book!
Performance Measures and Trending for
Safety, Quality, and Business Management

What’s in the book? See this link for more info:
After you read the book, if you need help with your trending initiative, CLICK HERE to ask questions and get help from the experts.