Top 10 Reasons

To attend the 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit
If you’ve attended a Global TapRooT® Summit in the past, you know why you should attend in 2022. But for those who need reasons to convince your boss that you should be allowed to attend, then one or more of the “Top 10 Reasons” listed below should be just what you need! Read on…
Reason 10: Maintain Certified Instructor Status
If you are a Certified TapRooT® Instructor for your company, you know that you need to attend the Summit at least once every two years. If you can travel, we recommend that you attend in person. If you face travel restrictions, you can sign up to attend virtually.
Reason 9: Maintain Motivation
Continuous improvement … Does the need to continuously improve safety, quality, production, asset reliability, or other aspects of performance ever leave you feeling burned out? If so, the Summit is a great place to leave burnout behind and get motivated.
Plus, Anne Roberts will be presenting strategies to avoid or recover from burnout in one of the breakout best practice sessions.

Or maybe you would be motivated by the story of someone who went from poverty to being a great athlete only to lose it all BUT to find out what is really important in life. That’s what Inky Johnson will explain in his talk. But don’t take my word for it. Gentry Estes of the Courier-Journal wrote an article titled: “Why Ink Johnson is the most inspirational athlete I’ve ever covered.”
Those are two talks to help you keep motivated, avoid burnout, and make your company a better place to work.
Reason 8: Share and Learn Best Practices
The Global TapRooT® Summit is where leaders from around the world gather to share best practices that they use to achieve success.
The Summit kicks off by playing the Name Game to help you meet people to learn best practices. And this session will help you meet people virtually and in-person.
There are also sessions where TapRooT® Users share success stories and investigation lessons learned.
And that’s just the start. See the whole Summit schedule at the button below:
Reason 7: Meet the TapRooT® Staff

Who could you meet and ask your toughest questions to? The whole TapRooT® Staff, including:
- Mark Paradies
- Linda Unger
- Ken Reed
- Marcus Miller
- Rick Hulse
- Alex Paradies
- Tim Diggs
- Justin Clark
- Michelle Wishon
- Benna Hughes
- Becky Marambio
- Dan Verlinde
- Angie Comer
- Barb Carr
Plus many of our contract instructors from around the world.
Reason 6: Compliance Lessons Learned
The 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit has a track about Compliance.
This year one of our speakers is Steve Hawkins. Steve is Chief Operating Officer at FDRsafety. Before joining FDRsafety, Steve was the Deputy Commission of Labor for the State of Tennessee and prior to that was the Tennessee OSHA Administrator. He has a wealth of information about compliance issues and fatality investigations. If you are interested in compliance, make a point of speaking with Steve at lunch or after his session.

You don’t want to miss the knowledge, best practices, and discussion that will occur in the sessions in the Compliance Track. But don’t forget that you can mix and match with sessions from the other seven tracks. See all the sessions at THIS LINK.
Reason 5: Meet Improvement Experts

The Summit is a brain trust of experts who know how to improve performance. And the best part about the Summit is that you meet them and have one-on-one discussions (even virtually one-on-one using the Whova app).
Reason 4: Networking with Peers

Improvement professionals from all over the world attend the Global TapRooT® Summit. What kinds of countries and industries will be represented? See this LINK for some ideas on the industries represented and see the list below for countries that have participated in past Summits…
Australia | Brazil | Canada | Chile | Colombia | Denmark | Ecuador | Finland | Indonesia | Iraq | Jordan | Kenya | Malaysia | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nigeria | Norway | Phillippines | Qatar | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Singapore | South Africa |South Korea |Sweden | Tanzania | Trinidad | UK | USA
Reason 3: Solve Your Toughest Problems
What problem do you desperately need to solve? A behavior issue? Too many human errors? Investigations taking too long? Lack of management support?
Whatever issue is bugging you, bring it to the Summit. Network with others and see if they have experience solving the issue. You might be surprised and go back to work with ideas for a solution that someone else has already proven to work.
Reason 2: Get New Ideas to Improve Performance
The Summit is a great place to get new ideas to:
- Improve safety
- Boost quality
- Stop fatalities
- Improve human performance
- Enhance asset/equipment reliability
- Increase productivity
- Learn techniques to improve your investigations
- Improve communication/presentations skills
- Get your executives involved in the performance improvement process
Reason 1: Develop a Roadmap to Success
A session on Thursday afternoon, you have the chance to develop a Roadmap to Success.

Many people have told us that this is the MOST valuable part of the Summit. Don’t miss it. Participate and go back to work with a plan to improve.
BONUS 1: Have Fun!
For those who come to Knoxville, be ready to have fun. Downtown Knoxville is a great place to visit. And Carl Dixon will be playing at the Wednesday night reception.

But we are also planning ways for virtual attendees to have fun. Be ready for the virtual happy hour!
BONUS 2: Take a Pre-Summit Course

Combine a Pre-Summit Course with your Summit experience and double your learning. What courses are available? Here’s the list…
Virtual Only
In-Person Only
- Stopping Human Error
- 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training
- 2-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting & TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training
- TapRooT® Executive Leadership Training (New Course)
- Audits & Proactive Improvement Using TapRooT® (New Course)
- TapRooT® Evidence Collection & Interviewing Techniques Course
- Best Practices in Mistake Proofing & Corrective Action Development
- TapRooT® Software Course
Just click on the course title to get more details about a specific course or for more information on all the courses, see THIS LINK.

BONUS 3: Save Money

Register for a course and the Summit or register multiple people at the same time and SAVE!

Even if your company doesn’t allow travel, there is NO EXCUSE for not attending the 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit. Why?
- The Summit is business-critical. You need to attend to continue to improve and save lives, stop injuries, improve quality, …
- You don’t have to travel. Attending in person is preferred BUT you can attend virtually if your company has travel restrictions.
- ROI for attending the Summit is Guaranteed! Attend the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit. Go back to work and implement your roadmap to success. If you don’t save 10 times the cost of your attendance at the Summit, let us know and return your Summit materials and we will refund 100% of the Summit registration fee. This guarantee shows how certain we are that you will learn valuable best practices to take your team’s performance—and that of your whole organization—to the next level.
Register TODAY!
Use THIS LINK to register.
Leave a comment with your biggest reason that others should attend the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit.