Tired of Virtual Trainings?

We get it, and we hear it: “If I have to sit through one more Zoom . . . “. The struggle is real but we have some exciting news: 1) in-person TapRooT® trainings are happening around the globe 2) our virtual trainings are NOT dull or boring!
Join us for In-Person Training!
It’s not too late to sign up for our 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training in Lake Tahoe (August 2-6) but it’s almost full, so hurry!

Same with our August 9-10, 2-Day Root Cause Analysis Training in Edmonton, Canada.

Wow! Public courses are literally being held all over the map in September but don’t wait to register – a lot of people are READY to get off of Zoom meetings and out to an interesting course location:
September 12-16: Dubai, UAE (5-Day)
September 13-17: Calgary, Canada (5-Day)
September 20-24: Amsterdam, Netherlands (5-Day)
September 27-28: San Antonio, TX, USA (2-Day)
Join us for NOT dull and boring virtual training!
We’ve worked very hard to make our virtual training engaging. We don’t sacrifice group exercises. I believe we have found the secret formula.
If it’s not safe for you to travel yet, register for a 3-day virtual course, and learn the essentials you need to know to do a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis of a low to moderate-risk incident.
3-Day Virual TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training August 23
3-Day Virtual TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training September 20
See? You don’t have to remain in a “dull” or “boring” state. Join us for upcoming TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training and improve your investigations.