TapRooT® TV: Human reliability & how to stop human error

Human error is often the root cause of an incident. Sometimes errors are designed into the system . . . by, you guessed it, a human. And, if someone’s job is to watch you to make sure you are doing everything correctly, what is the typical verification track record? Join us as we premiere the newest video in our TapRooT® Stopping Human Error series, Part 3.
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We premiere new TapRooT® videos on Wednesdays, a little after noon EST, first on Facebook (click here to watch on Facebook) and then on YouTube (click here to watch on YouTube) about an hour later.
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After the video, take a deeper dive into learning about human error by reading Mark Paradies’ blog post.
Check out the video below to catch up with Part 1 of the TapRooT® human error series:
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