TapRooT® Investigation Grading Tool

TapRooT® offers the most thorough root cause analysis technique on the market. Follow the seven-step process for complex incidents or the simplified five-step process to track minor incidents. The TapRooT® software also allows you to complete audits and keep them separate from your investigations. With the use of our training resources, each investigator is equipped to run informative investigations that drill down to the root cause of an incident so that they can build effective corrective actions to reduce accidents in the future.
We at TapRooT® are committed to always improving our software ensuring that our clients have what they need to make the world a safer place. That is why we developed the Investigation Grading Tool. This tool comes standard with TapRooT® version 6.8 and up. Once a user has completed an investigation, they can use the Investigation Grading Tool to check that it met the company’s acceptable standards.

Using our curated list of questions companies can efficiently assess their investigations by assigning a score based on how well that task was completed during the investigation.

Users can add weight to each question according to which is more important to their company. Once you have checked your investigation against each question the Grading tool will give the user an overall Grade on the A to F scale and a percentage.
Making clear whether the investigation passed or failed. This final Quality check is one last line of defense to protecting your workspace allowing users to ferry out any weak areas in their previous work.

If you are interested in learning more about TapRooT® we have several courses available in our store, both in-person and online. You may also extend your subscription to TapRooT® here. Thank you for choosing TapRooT® and your dedication to Changing the Way the World Solves Problems.