TapRooT® Around the World: On-site, National Grid, UK

Today, we’re visiting an on-site course at National Grid in the UK, taught by TapRooT® Instructor Randy Creek. Whether a course is to train multiple employees simultaneously on-site at a corporation—such as the course here at National Grid—or offered in one of our global locations, frequent TapRooT® course exercises ensure that attendees leave with significant practice of immediately applicable skills.
Many thanks to Randy Creek for capturing these great images of teamwork and the learning process, and to Natalie Tablet at System Improvements for sending these along to share with you.
Put yourself in the picture by becoming trained in troubleshooting and identifying root causes of issues and incidents. Register today for a TapRooT® course and gain advantage, experience, and expertise from our professional instructors. CLICK HERE for listings for our upcoming 2-Day and 5-Day courses.