Survey Says: “Human Error” is Leading Root Cause of Security Problems

What Can Be Done To Stop Human Errors?
A story in CIO magazine says that a survey (by the consulting firm Deloitte) of 100 technology, media, and telecommunications firms worldwide listed “Human Error” as the leading cause (75% of the time) of security failures.
If this is even remotely true, these firms need advanced root cause analysis – TapRooT® – to analyze their human error incidents and find the real root causes of “human error.”
As we see it, human error isn’t a root cause. It is a starting point to dig into the cause of human error. We see most human errors as Causal Factors and use the Root Cause Tree® Diagram to dig into the real, fixable root causes of the problems that cause human error.
Unless you find the real root causes of human error, it’s doubtful that you will develop effective fixes. Without effective fixes, the problem will continue to trap people even if they are trying to be careful.
So don’t get caught in the “human error” trap. Learn to find and fix the real root causes of human error by attending the 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Course.

The 5-Day Course really gets into the causes and investigation of human error. It is based on advanced human factors knowledge derived from research from around the world. Where are our public courses held? CLICK HERE for dates and locations.
Can You Be Proactive in Stopping Human Errors?
How? By learning best practices to stop human errors at a 2-Day Stopping Human Error Course.
What’s in this course? See THIS LINK.
If you have security issues caused by human error or any other human error issue, don’t wait. Call us TODAY at 865-539-2139 or CLICK HERE to talk to us about stopping human errors.