Human Performance Best Practice Track

The 1st principle of Human Performance is that people make mistakes. No matter how experienced and skilled a person is, they will make mistakes. This track is for those who seek to create systems to reduce errors and perfect their processes. It aims to arm them with tools and techniques for making people and systems more reliable through Good Human Factors Design.

“Good Human Factors Design is about making a process Easy (Intuitive) to do Right, and Hard to do wrong” – Alex Paradies

The Human Performance Best Practice Track shares best practices for reducing human errors by making processes more intuitive and less error-prone (more resilient). It is a perfect complement to the pre-Summit Stopping Human Error Course.

“Serious accidents are frequently blamed on Human Error. Yet careful analysis of such situations shows that the design of the equipment has contributed significantly to the problems. 

The design team did not pay sufficient attention to the needs of those who would be using the equipment, so confusion or error was almost unavoidable. “- Donald A Norman

Join us at the Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, TN, on October 1 – 3, 2025.

Learn About Each Session In This Track...

Training Beyond the Mistake
Procedure Writing & Use for High-Reliability
Start When Safe: Shift the Paradigm Around Safeguards
Human Performance Best Practices Roundtable
Taking Learning Teams to the Next Level
Mistake by Design
Million Dollar Mastermind
Fatigue Risk Management Systems
From Stress to Success: Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace