High-Reliability Organization Best Practices Track

Would you like your organization to be highly reliable? Then this track is right for you! For the first time, the Global TapRooT® Summit will have a best practice track focussed on high-reliability.

Admiral Rickover created the first high-reliability organization, the Nuclear Navy. This track will share highlights of his philosophy and new ideas for improving your organization’s performance.

See the sessions below to learn more about this year’s new track.

Can you imagine how the information in the sessions below will help your organization achieve new performance heights? If so, Register Here!

Then, join us at the Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, TN, on October 1 – 3, 2025.

Mark Paradies - Track Leader

Learn About Each Session In This Track...

Training Beyond the Mistake
Procedure Writing and Use for High-Reliability
Root Cause Analysis for High-Performance Organizations
Lions, Tigers, & Bears! Don't Fear the Equifactor®
Sharing Ideas to Achieve High-Reliability & Performance Roundtable
Mistakes by Design
Peer Reviews & Inspections for High-Compliance Panel Discussion
Fatigue Risk Management Systems
Admiral Rickover's Original High-Reliability Organization