Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices Track

The world is digitizing, applying AI, and instituting algorithms, monitoring, prediction, and analytics in pursuit of reliability. None of these tools or programs add value unless they are layered on a strong foundation of disciplined equipment design, installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and root cause analysis.

“First things first. There are far more immediate and revenue-saving opportunities that should be pursued before Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)…. These must be understood, explained, and implemented before cost-effectiveness or measurable benefit is derived from RCM….A plant that is not implementing the basics of sound maintenance will never benefit from RCM.”

– Heinz P. Bloch


We’ve gathered the experts and best-in-class performers to share the principles, disciplines, and best practices required to achieve world-class equipment reliability, stop repeat failures with first-time fixes, and keep unplanned outages at zero.

This track perfectly combines the pre-Summit 2-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course.

Join us at the Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, TN, on October 1 – 3, 2025.

Learn About Each Session in This Track...

Reap the Rewards from Great Root Cause Analysis
Managing Equipment Success Stories
Root Cause Analysis for High-Performance Organizations
Lions, Tigers, & Bears! Don't Fear the Equifactor®
Sharing Ideas to Achieve High-Reliability & Performance Roundtable
Process Troubleshooting Using Equifactor®
Diverse Brilliance: Management & Success Tips for Neurodiverse Teams
Troubleshooting & Investigations Using the TapRooT® App
Admiral Rickover's Original High-Reliability Organization