Important Tips for 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit Participants

Are you attending the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit? Then the following is the information that you need! (If you haven’t registered yet, you can register HERE.)
1. Bring Business Cards?
I used to say to bring business cards to network, but now you can use Whova or LinkedIn. See Anne Roberts at the Summit if you need tips on how to do this.
2. Dress for the Summit
Recommended dress is Business Casual.
Definitely bring a coat or sweater … It may be chilly in the conference center.
Here are pictures of “Business Casual” from the internet …
I thought it was too dressy.
I found this “do and don’t” photo and had a laugh …
Then I thought … Why not show a photo of people from a past Summit!

Then there is the Wednesday night reception. The theme this year is the west.
Here is Roudy YATES (Clint Eastwood) for some suggestions…
Or a picture from a previous Summit Western Reception…

A cowboy hat and boots would be a good start. But if you don’t have that, come as you are and see what we have to help you out.
3. Food
Breakfast and lunch are supplied at the Summit and at the pre-Summit courses. There will also be food and drink at the Wednesday night Summit reception. We will try as best as possible to accommodate special meal requests, but … you don’t get your own private chef!

4. Breakfast Networking
Breakfast on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday is from 8-9.
Registration will be open during breakfast on Wednesday.
Breakfast is a great place to meet new people and discuss what you are learning at the Summit. Come early and make it a leisurely meal.
5. Summit Schedule
6. Be On Time
Don’t miss the OPENING WELCOME at 9 AM on Wednesday. You will have three people looking to meet you during THE NAME GAME (and three people you will be looking for) and a reward for completing the game. Also, you will get a ticket for a prize drawing whenever you are on time for any session.

Friday is an important day at the Summit. The Certified Instructor Information Sessions are on Friday, as well as the Keynote Speaker.
The movie wasn’t an accurate depiction of Mr. Abagnale’s life, but it was based on it.
8. Whova
You should have received an invitation to download the Whova ap and sign up for the Summit site with networking, schedules, pictures, and more. If you didn’t get this invitation, see Anne Roberts at the Summit, and she can help.
If you have any questions about anything regarding the Summit, call our office at 865-539-2139.