Summit Flashback! Remember When You Were This Young?

Summit Blast from the Past!
The picture above is Linda Unger with TapRooT® Advisory Board Members at the 9th Summit (2003, Dallas, TX). Remember when you were this young? (Maybe you still are?)
And below? That’s the staff at dinner after the 7th TapRooT® Summit (2001, Galveston, TX). That Summit was almost canceled due to a tropical storm (the hotel basement flooded) … but the show went on.
And who are the people below intently listening to a great speaker?
Summit Flashback Video
Watch the video below … It wasn’t that long ago. And everything in the video is still true today – even more so! I guess I could say that we were young but still knew what we were doing! And we continue to learn and make the Summit a better learning event each year.
Watch for the Blast from the Past Quizzes Starting Next Week
You can be declared the winner if you identify the people in the photos in the Flashback Quizzes starting next week. Watch for the quiz to participate.
2021 Global TapRooT® Summit is Coming Up in June!
Don’t miss the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit in Knoxville, TN, on June 14-18.
Several of us are older but there is a new generation of TapRooT® Experts coming along. You can hear from “the old-timers” and from the new generation of TapRooT® experts too!
Get more information about the Summit at:
Attend the Summit to:
- Network with industry leaders
- Benchmark with other TapRooT® Users
- Learn best practices from experts from around the world
- Refresh your TapRooT® skills
- Be inspired!
- Get motivated!
- Have FUN!
That’s what the Global TapRooT® Summit is all about!
See the schedule for the Best Practice Tracks Here:
Register by CLICKING HERE.
2021 Global TapRooT® Summit Keynote Speakers
Let’s look at the Keynote Speakers in the order of their talks. We will start with Kirstie Ennis…
The former Marine Sergeant aims to climb high, higher, highest by tackling the Seven Summits on one leg by 2021.
Kirstie Ennis’s story may have begun when she lost her leg after her helicopter went down in Afghanistan, but it certainly doesn’t end there. After more than 40 surgeries and the amputation of her leg first below and then above the knee after a life-threatening infection, the former Marine sergeant has accomplished more at 28 years old than most people have achieved in their lifetimes.
At the Summit Kirstie will tell her story and it will inspire you to stop accepting limitations.
Next is Dan Verlinde, CTO and VP at SI…
Dan will demonstrate how the TapRooT® Software and App can be used to rapidly collect information and start the investigation of a major accident (or minor incident).
Next, is Vincent I Phipps (VIP).
Everyone needs great communication skills. Whether it is to explain a hazard, present an incident investigation, or request a budget for a special project.
Vincent is called, the Attitude Amplifier due to his high energy, content-rich material, and interactive presentation style. He is the author of Lead Out Loud: Keys to Unlock Your Professional Excellence! Vincent has an undergraduate degree in Speech/Language Communication and a Master’s in Leadership/Management. Vincent is also a retired, undefeated, national storytelling champion.
You will be motivated and educated listening to Vincent’s dynamic talk.
At the end of the Summit, from 10:55 – 12:00 on Friday, is our closing speaker, Inky Johnson.
Inky will inspire you to make improvements happen.
September 9, 2006. It started as a normal college football game in Neyland Stadium, here in Knoxville, TN. If anything, the event was an afterthought, dropped into the schedule at the last minute.
For Inky Johnson, though, the game changed everything. A routine tackle turned into a life-threatening injury, and nothing has been normal for Inky ever since. Not with a paralyzed right arm. Not with daily pain. Not with constant physical challenges.
His dream had always been to play professional sports. You might think his injury would have destroyed his motivation and crushed his spirit. But that’s only because you don’t know Inky.
Inky looks in the face of defeat and says, “Am I really failing, or is God prevailing?” You’ll see a man gripped by the promise that God has purposes and plans far beyond our own. And you’ll be inspired by his relentless determination, which he loves to impart to others through his dramatic story.
So, plan your flight out of Knoxville late on Friday so you can hear Inky’s talk and meet him after he speaks.
Do you recognize These Folks?
Here’s a test of your past Summit knowledge.
- Do you recognize the people above?
- What year was this picture taken?
- Where was that Summit held?
Leave your answer as a comment below.
Hint … the person in the middle is E.D. Hill that previously was on Fox & Friends.