Summit Attendees – Get your Roadmap for Improvement Completed!

During the week of March 11-15, just outside of Houston, TX, System Improvements held our Annual Global TapRooT® Summit. This was our opportunity to give back to our customers and provide them with the chance to network with hundreds of other TapRooT® users, learn best practices from experts, and discover innovative ways of improving their improvement programs.
One of the new opportunities we offered was to help all the attendees prepare a Roadmap for Improvement, customized for their companies. With the assistance of expert facilitators, we went through a simple yet powerful 5-step process to help each person improve their programs:
- We started out by having each participant discuss how their improvement programs were working, with an obvious emphasis on using TapRooT® in their incident investigation and audit programs. We were not listing problems at this point; we just wanted to identify how various parts of the companies’ programs were being utilized. We didn’t just concentrate on EHS systems. We wanted to see how each department was using their programs across the board. This was a way of identifying the “current state.”
- After getting a firm understanding of this current status, we then evaluated each of these programs, identifying the problems or roadblocks the users were encountering in their programs
- Once these issues were identified, a detailed plan to address these individual problems was developed. This plan included very specific steps to be taken to address each of the improvement opportunities, planned completion dates, and expected outcomes.
After the Summit, each attendee had some homework to do! It was time to take that plan and put it into practice:
- Each company needed to actually implement the plan. We offered our help with any roadblocks that might have come up.
- Finally, we offered the opportunity to draw upon our expertise to assist in the continuous monitoring of their programs. We schedule check-in calls periodically to make sure they are receiving the help they need to successfully implement and sustain the program. This is a crucial step that is often skipped.
This is all part of our Roadmap implementation strategy. For those that attended the Summit, we helped you get that started with the first 3 steps. Have you completed your Roadmap? It would be a shame to have this wonderful plan put together, and then never implemented it. Contact us if you need assistance.
For those that are new to TapRooT®, or were not able to attended the Summit this year, we’d be happy to set up a time to help you draw up a Roadmap. They are very simple to do, and yet can demonstrate surprisingly powerful outcomes. Let us help you put together your Roadmap for Improvement!