How Do You Successfully Implement TapRooT®?

Claus Rose – Vice President of EHS and Business Continuity Management for GE Renewable Energy, will be presenting: GE Renewable Energy Improvements Using TapRooT®.
When & Where?
This presentation is scheduled during Best Practice Session 5 – Thursday, April 27, 2023, from 11:35 am – 12:30 pm at the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit, Margaritaville Lake Resort • Lake Conroe – Montgomery, TX (right outside Houston, TX).
Session Description
After implementing TapRoot from the top down, GE RE used 2022 to train around 250 managers/individual contributors on how to use TapRooT®. The learning curve has been extremely positive, given a clear business requirement to use TapRooT® when having a Level a, B or PSE. Secondly, the quality of our investigations has been improved substantially.
From a results perspective, proper use of investigation reduced:
- severe accidents/incidents by 89%
- overall recordable injuries by 35% and
- potential severe events by 56%
compared to 2021.
Speaker Bios
Claus Rose
Claus is Vice President of EHS and Business Continuity Management for GE Renewable Energy. He previously worked for Siemens from 2008 to 2018 in various positions, all in the EHS & Quality area. He also has served 20 years as an officer in the Danish Army, with international postings. He holds a Degree in Management and Business Administration from the Danish Army.