May 4, 2006 | Mark Paradies

SKF Bearing Customer Support Engineers Attend 3-Day Equifactor® Class

I’m in Gothenburg, Sweden, teaching a 3-Day TapRooT®/Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and Root Cause Failure Analysis Course that is co-sponsored by SKF. More than half of the students in the course are SKF manufacturing, customer service, and application design engineers – a really smart bunch of people. It’s day 2 of a 3-day course.

It really is humbling teaching root cause analysis to people who know so much about bearings and equipment. But as usual, the TapRooT(R) System helps even experts do better root cause analysis.

The TapRooT® System “expands the universe” of potential ideas for correcting serious problems by giving experts additional ideas of potential root causes. And I see this happen in all kinds of industries all around the world.

I think that’s why it is such a good job being a TapRooT® Instructor. TapRooT(R) comes through in every case to help experienced and inexperienced investigators find root causes that the previously would have overlooked.

Another strength of the TapRooT® System that comes across in this course is the ability to analyze the causes of equipment problems that are causes by human performance of the operators, installers, or maintainers. Often machinery experts know an amazing amount about the engineering of the machine. But they really appreciate the root cause analysis assistance they get analyzing human performance problems.

Tomorrow, they get the Equifactor® part of the class, and I really look forward to the “lightbulbs turning on” as they realize how advanced root cause analysis and advanced equipment troubleshooting fit together.

Equipment Reliability / Equifactor®
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