Sharing Investigation & RCA Best Practices

Darrin Wertz & Mubashar Ahmed will present: Finding True North on the Bread Crumb Trail of Causal Factors: Deep Dive into the RCA of a Natural Gas System Overpressure Event.
When & Where
This presentation is scheduled during the Best Practice Session 4 – Thursday, April 27, 2023, from 10:10 am – 11:12 am at the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit, Margaritaville Lake Resort • Lake Conroe – Montgomery, TX (right outside Houston, TX).
Session Description
Join us as we investigate a real-world natural gas incident that recently occurred. Our team will take you through the steps taken by Engineering and Operations to respond to the high-pressure reading found on a low-pressure natural gas system that had the potential for harm to life and property. This interactive session will allow you to discover the incident’s findings and broken and missing safeguards that served as clues along the way. A gas pressure regulating station with multiple equipment safeguards and human checks failed to work as designed, leaving a string of causal factors to uncover in the aftermath. Don’t miss out on the importance of developing the proper framework for a thorough investigation, tips and tricks to navigate the breadcrumb trail of causal factors without getting stuck in the wrong rabbit hole. Learn how we overcame our incident analysis struggles and how we knew our investigation results were accurate. Darrin and Mubashar will invite attendees to discuss their struggles and best practices to benefit all attendees for a true learning and sharing session.
Hiking an unfamiliar trail with too many markers and crisscrossing paths, are you prepared to navigate your next major incident analysis?
Speaker Bios
Mubashar Ahmed
Mubashar Ahmed is a conscientious leader with 15 years of experience developing strategies and partnerships to solve multidimensional challenges in private, corporate, non-profit, governmental, and international sectors. He currently works at Eversource as a Program Manager (Process Improvement). He has held various positions such as Gas Field Engineering Unit Leader (Gas Incident Command), Sr. Program Administrator (Process Improvement), and QC Specialist (Quality Control). He strongly focuses on orienting energy solutions towards the most benefit we can offer the planet, our people, and the public. He also has experience working at the New York State Department of Public Service and the New York Immigration Coalition. He holds an M.Sc. in Earth Systems & Environmental Engineering and a Baccalaureate of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from The City College of New York. He also serves as the Young Professionals BRG Lead (Diversity & Inclusion) at Eversource.
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