Safety Performance Indicators, Aviation Accidents, IOGP

This is the IOGP Report, 2022a, for Safety performance indicators, aviation accidents, from 2022 data.
This Report presents the safety performance, and aviation accidents, of the aviation industry involved in both upstream and downstream operations reported by participating IOGP Member Companies for 2013-2022.
It is published as part of the IOGP data series; the principal purposes of this Report are to record the safety performance of helicopter and aeroplane operations of the participating Member Companies in the years 2013-2022, and to provide data that can be used by IOGP Member Companies and others to benchmark their performance. The key indicators for analysis of aviation operations and safety performance are:
• numbers of fatalities
• accidents recorded
• hours flow
• passengers carried
• flight stages performed
This Report presents overall (worldwide) and regional results against these indicators, and the rates of exposure by aircraft activity performed and type of aircraft flown.
Report 2022a is available from the IOGP Publications Library. A supplemental executive summary is also available.
These Reports are also available from the dedicated IOGP data site,
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