Root Cause Analysis Tip: Does Your Company Vision PREVENT Good Root Cause Analysis?

What is your company’s vision? Does your company have a:
- Blame Vision
- Crisis Management Vision
- Opportunity to Improve Vision
The only vision that leads to good root cause analysis is the opportunity to improve vision.
We’ve been helping people “adjust” their vision since Mark Paradies gave a talk about the opportunity to improve vision at the 1990 Winter American Nuclear Society Meeting.
How do you change your vision?
That takes more than the few paragraphs of a blog article to describe. But we did write about it in our newest book:
TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Leadership Lessons
What’s in the new book?
- A Tale of Two Plants
- Vision
- What is a Root Cause and How Was TapRooT® Developed to Help You Find Them?
- How Leaders Can Apply TapRooT® to Improve Performance
- What Can TapRooT® Do for You?
- What TapRooT® Books Do You Need to Read?
The new book is designed for senior managers and leaders of improvement programs to help them understand effective root cause analysis and how it fits into a performance improvement program.
Order your copy of the new book by clicking HERE and make sure your vision supports improved performance!