Testimonial Tuesday: Why Use TapRooT® For Root Cause Analysis?

TapRooT® is a world-class software system designed to help investigators solve everyday hurdles. TapRooT®’s root cause analysis takes an investigator beyond his or her knowledge to think outside the box. Backed with extensive research in human performance, incident investigation, and root cause analysis, TapRooT® is a global leader in improved investigation effectiveness and productivity, stopping finger-pointing and blame, improving equipment reliability, and fixing operating problems.
The 5-Day Training is for people who investigate precursor incidents and, perhaps, major incidents (serious injuries, fatalities, major facility upsets, fires, and explosions, or significant environmental releases). The course covers the essential TapRooT® Techniques (SnapCharT®, Safeguards Analysis, the Root Cause Tree®, and the Corrective Action Helper®), and the optional tools (Change Analysis, CHAP, and Equifactor®) needed to complete complex investigation. Also, the course covers advanced interviewing and information collection techniques and techniques to improve human performance. TapRooT® attendees leave our class with significant practice because our 5-Day is full of frequent exercises that provide you with the skills you need to apply to your job when you get back to work.
5-Day Client Testimonials:
- “The SnapCharT® exercise drove a good constructive conversation that challenged critical thinking and vetting.” – Casey
- “Enjoyed the interviewing exercise with the Fishkill scenario. This helped me better understand how to prepare and carry out effective interviews.” – Robert
- “This course helped me learn how important it is to dig deeper into cause categories.” – Adam
- “This class forced us to identify causal factors and work the whole root cause tree.” – William
- “The final exercise provided a glimpse of what a great RCA team collaboration looks like. There are several different viewpoints and routes that one can travel.” – Barnes
We take your course evaluations seriously. Without them, we couldn’t continue to improve and grow as a company. So thank you for your valuable feedback!
Looking for a course near you? Find a course location and reserve your seat today by clicking on the links below.
2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training
5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training
Register Now For Our 2020 Global TapRooT® Summit!
If you register before January 1, 2020, you will be entered into our Early Bird Drawing. This years prize is a brand new Apple Watch! Also, don’t miss out on the opportunity to network with industry leaders, and learn new skills that will help you advance your career.