TapRooT® Program: Role of Leadership

At the recent TapRooT® Summit (May 4-6, 2022, Knoxville), we had a keynote speaker that discussed how they implemented TapRooT® at their company, and it started with the role of leadership. They took a 6-hour TapRooT® Executive Leadership Virtual Course which gives an overview of the TapRooT® process and provides details on understanding what terms mean as well as what they need to do to implement improvements based on investigation results and how to sustain the program.
It is key for leadership to set the tone for overall performance improvement but also to show their understanding of the incident investigation process. They were not trained to do investigations but more to understand what to do once they see reports and results from investigations. When the employees see the model set by leadership, the culture is clear.
The Role of Leadership in Supporting The TapRooT® Program is Critical
Leadership can make or break improvement efforts. What are the factors that senior leadership should be involved in? There are five factors that we feel are critical. Don’t assume they aren’t willing to help. Successful implementation of improvements is something every good leader will buy into.
Save the date for the 2023 Summit in Lake Conroe, Texas (outside Houston), Margaritaville Lake Resort, April 26-28, 2023 to learn more about building a better improvement program, or contact us for more information about the TapRooT® Executive Leadership Course.