Practice, Feedback, & Coaching to Improve RCA (Develop TapRooT® RCA Skills)

Practice & Feedback – A Must to Improve Skills
With any new skill you learn, you need practice to implant the skill into long-term memory. To get better at the skill, you need more practice and feedback (coaching).
The same applies to the skills people learn in a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course. They need to practice their new investigation and root cause analysis skills and get feedback (coaching) on ways to improve what they are doing.

Coaching TapRooT® RCA Skills
Who will give your people feedback to improve their use of TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis? Do you have time to provide this coaching? Here are some ideas to consider:
- Set up a peer review group. The members of this group should attend the 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training and have experience doing investigations. They can use the grading system in the TapRooT® Software to provide detailed, specific, consistent feedback.
- Have a senior manager become an expert in root cause analysis and provide feedback on investigations when performing senior manager reviews. At a minimum, your senior managers should attend a TapRooT® Executive Leadership’s Role in Root Cause Analysis Course.
- Have experts from System Improvements review your incident investigations as they progress. CONTACT US to find out how to get these reviews scheduled.
If your people have only attended the 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course, consider sending them to a 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Course (see public course dates and locations HERE or CONTACT US to schedule a course at your site). They will get more practice with the essential TapRooT® Techniques and learn the advanced techniques, including:
- Cognitive interviewing techniques
- Critical Human Action Profile (CHAP)
- Change Analysis
- Proactive use of Safeguard Analysis
- Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting
Plus, they will SAVE $500 OFF the course fee if they have attended one of our previous 2-Day TapRooT® RCA Courses or if your company/site is a licensed TapRooT® User. Call 865-539-2139 to check eligibility and then get a discount code.
CLICK HERE for the dates and locations of the upcoming public 5-Day TapRooT® Advance Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training scheduled around the world.

Discuss Practice, Feedback, & Coaching
Our TapRooT® Implementation Advisors are available to discuss your efforts to provide practice, feedback, and coaching for your TapRooT® Users. You may even want to set up refresher training for people who need practice. Also, they can help you set up training for your senior managers.
Contact an implementation advisor by calling 865-539-2139 or by CLICKING HERE.