Opportunity to Improve Vision

From Book 1: TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Leadership Lessons, used by permission of System Improvements, duplication prohibited.
What is the Opportunity to Improve Vision
The Opportunity to Improve Vision sees each incident as an opportunity.
Not an opportunity to find a scapegoat (someone to blame).

Not an opportunity to survive yet another crisis.
In the Opportunity to Improve Vision, people, either individually or in teams, work to solve the problem. Everyone views this as an opportunity to improve. The team doing the investigation knows better than to just address the symptoms.
They are NOT looking for someone to blame. They ARE looking for the root causes. They know that if they find and fix the root causes, they will prevent the problem’s recurrence.
The Opportunity to Improve Vision sees each incident as an opportunity to improve performance by changing the system.
As W. Edwards Deming said:
“Management’s job is to improve the system.”

In the Opportunity to Improve Vision, improving the “system” is the key to improving performance.
What is the System?
The system includes equipment, procedures, tools, communication techniques, training, human factors design, supervisory techniques, resources (time), policies, and rules that all impact the ability to achieve the intended goal. Management can change these things to improve performance.
If you are living in the Blame Vision or the Crisis Management Vision, this may seem like a fairy tale. However, the Opportunity to Improve Vision exists at many sites using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis. TapRooT® RCA helps them achieve the vision when they start finding the real root causes of problems (rather than placing blame and using “quick fixes” that don’t work).
Learn More About Advanced Root Cause Analysis
Would you like to learn more about TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis? Attend one of our public 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Courses. See the upcoming public 5-Day Courses HERE.

To see all of our courses, CLICK HERE.
To see all the upcoming public course dates and locations, CLICK HERE.
To get a quote for a course at your site, CLICK HERE.

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your vision; register for a course today!