Favorite Keynote Speaker

What a fabulous group of keynote speakers, best practices learned, insight from wonderful sessions, etc. that I experienced at the TapRooT® Global Summit. Who was my favorite keynote speaker? That’s a tough question, but the one who keeps coming to mind is Kirstie Ennis.
Kirstie’s talk, “Don’t Accept Limitations,” needs no further explanation. I sat in awe listening to her experiences, what she has overcome, and where life has taken her, and I was just amazed.
Kirstie, a former Marine sergeant, lost her leg after her helicopter went down in Afghanistan. After more than 40 surgeries and the amputation of her leg first below and then above the knee after a life-threatening infection, the former Marine sergeant has accomplished more in her 20s than most of us could ever dream about accomplishing.

Kirstie’s talk was, as you can imagine, nothing short of inspiring. What can I now do to make a difference in this world? So much is out there waiting to be conquered, and I can do it. I walked away feeling I, too, can climb those mountains.
Make plans to join our next Summit, you won’t be disappointed. We look forward to hearing who your favorite keynote speaker is.

I agree, Kirstie’s talk was inspiring. But, then again, so was Inky. And I also enjoyed hearing the story of Admiral Aucoin and laughed at the experience of Ken Futch.
What a great Summit!