Learn How to Make Safe Behavior ‘Go Viral’ for a Great Safety Culture
Clare Solomon and Mark Ormond invite you to learn how to make safe behavior ‘go viral’ for a great safety culture.

International Culture Change Seminar – Creating a ‘Tipping Point’
September 17, 2015
Phoenix, Arizona

Clare Solomon

Mark Ormond
It was great to meet so many TapRooT® users at the Las Vegas Summit last month and to all those who got involved in our social experiment to create a Tipping Point – thank-you!
If you weren’t there, you missed a treat! We succeeded in getting almost 200 people up on their feet dancing, or tapping along to Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘Cecilia’… this was at 8.30 in the morning after a big night out in Vegas!
The tipping point… that magic moment when ideas, trends and social behavior cross a threshold, tip and spread like wildfire.
Malcolm Gladwell
So, what’s all this got to do with creating a great safety culture? It’s all about having 3 things:
1. the right people
2. the right message
3. … at the right time
Get this right and culture change can happen more quickly than you think. Just look at how fast behaviour can go viral, from a stadium wave to the ice bucket challenge!
Why do some messages stick?
As culture change specialists we have helped our clients see tipping points of change happen again and again through a powerful combination of coaching and communication tools designed to change attitudes, values and beliefs at every level of the organization.
In this seminar you will find out:
– The key elements required to influence a tipping point in your business
– How to create and sustain behavioural change that will lead to better safety performance.
On average our clients see a 30-50% improvement in incidents and accidents within 12 months.
Sign up to our Culture Change Seminar
September 17, 2105
Phoenix, Arizona
Call: 00 44 1494 782444
Email: Clare@hillsolomon.co.uk
Or click below to find out more and book your place…
A highly professional, engaging and thought-provoking workshop. The presentation was smooth and demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject that has clearly delivered results. The event was expertly organised and facilitated.
James Pomeroy, Group HSE Manager
Senior plc