Is it Repairwork or Guesswork? Improve Equipment Reliability!

How do you know when you need to improve equipment reliability at your facility? When you hear too many statements like these . . .
“This piece of equipment always rattles like this, don’t worry about it.”
“It’s still doing the job. If it gets worse, maintenance will fix it.”
“Just keep replacing parts until it works.”
“Replace the whole thing if replacing parts doesn’t work.”
And is it really even an equipment problem? People design the equipment, install the equipment, operate the equipment and maintain the equipment. Maybe it’s a human performance problem!
Take the Guesswork out of Equipment Troubleshooting
No matter what your role is in your company – setting up equipment, operating equipment or maintaining the equipment, you can learn to take the guesswork out of equipment troubleshooting and improve equipment reliability.
Avoiding guesswork requires:
- approaching an equipment problem systematically
- carefully collecting and preserve all the information
- using troubleshooting guides to simplify analysis
- using a systematic root cause tool (the TapRooT® Root Cause Tree®) to find fixable causes of the failure
That’s why we developed Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and Root Cause Analysis.
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