Investigation and RCA Best Practices at the TapRooT® Summit

Our Summit starting on June 14th will be here before we know it. As track leader for the Investigation and RCA Best Practices Track, I want to take a moment to share some updates.
I cannot wait to get back to a sense of normalcy and reconnect with everyone. Knowing we may not return to complete normalcy by June, we have opened the Summit for virtual attendees this year and we have amazing keynote speakers lined up. It is an event you do not want to miss!
In addition to the keynote speakers, we have organized tracks to make it easier for you to choose which session you would like to attend. And if you decide you are most interested in learning the best practices to mature your TapRooT® Incident Investigation and RCA process or need more information to decide this is the right track for you, here are the highlights:
- The first session will focus on a few TapRooT® users who will share their own best practices, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel as you mature your TapRooT® program.
- The second session will include best practices on How to Gain Management Support for Improvement. At the end of the day, your investigations need to result in impactful corrective actions that will help protect and support your people and improve your organization’s KPIs.
- The third session will help reinforce how to use one of our newest RCA tools, the Causal Factor Worksheets. We have recently introduced the worksheets into our courses, so if your training didn’t include Causal Factor Worksheets, this is your chance to catch up.
- In the fourth session, we introduce a fairly new concept of using an Energy Wheel to assist in Hazard Analysis. As you know, not all hazards that could trip us up are overtly obvious. The best practices you’ll learn in this session will give you a better chance of catching and preparing for all the hazards, not just the most obvious ones.
- One of our focuses over the last couple of years has been to continually improve the user’s experience with the TapRooT® software. The reporting function is now incredibly easy to use. We will have a couple of our experts share their best practices on building customized reports in this fifth track session.
- To help you get your TapRooT® program started on the right path, we will share how to perform an internal checkup of your TapRooT® Implementation. The sixth session will help you speed up the maturation of your program by ensuring you have a solid base on which to build.
- And finally, the last session of the Investigation and RCA Best Practices is a presentation on How To Manage a Major Investigation. It’s an excellent chance to learn and adopt best practices into your own Major Investigation Process. Again, it speeds up your TapRooT® program’s maturity.
I’m incredibly excited to play a small role in our Summit and I look forward to seeing everyone there in person or virtually