Investigate Incidents? Leverage results!

You’ve uncovered the facts in your investigation, conducted a root cause analysis, and developed corrective actions. You’ve checked off all the boxes you need to check off when you investigate incidents. Maybe you’ve even completed your report and presented it to management.
Are you done now?
Are you sure about that?
You may be finished investigating but there are other best practices you might want to consider implementing that will make your job easier going forward. Don’t close the file too soon to move on to the next thing – you may be missing some opportunities for long-term improvements.
Incident investigations are a core piece of your company’s improvement program. However, just completing an investigation is not very helpful, unless you actually follow through with the results of that investigation. Learn how you can get the most out of your investigation process by attending this webinar. ~ Ken Reed, TapRooT® Instructor
Join us to get great ideas on how to best leverage the results after you investigate incidents.
Webinar: “Your Investigation is Complete – Now What?”
Thursday, January 27, 2022
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Even though it’s a free webinar, space is limited, so register today! This is a live, instructor-led webinar.
Meet the instructor: Ken Reed

Ken Reed’s expertise covers a wide range of topics, with a particular emphasis on equipment failure analysis and troubleshooting. Ken’s 21 years in Admiral Rickover’s Nuclear Navy (serving on board fast attack, ballistic missile, and research submarines) helps him understand the secrets of achieving high-reliability operation and exceptional equipment reliability. Ken has a B.S. in Electronics Management from Southern Illinois University.
We hope to see you at our first fabulous webinar of 2022!