HSEQ Professional Development Opportunities

Become a Better HSEQ Leader!
Do you want to become a better HSEQ leader? Now is the time to learn, engage, and take new knowledge back to your workplace and make a difference in 2025. Whether you want to:
- Make your company best-in-class,
- Share best practices with industry leaders,
- Add to your professional knowledge, or
- Get promoted,
each idea below will help you get there. Read on to find out more.
The Global TapRooT® Summit
Here is the first idea. Attend the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit.
Where is it being held? Knoxville, Tennessee.
When is it being held? From October 1st through the 3rd. So, now is the time to start planning to attend.
Why should you attend the Summit?
There are many reasons. First, there is a Best Practice Track titled:
Safety & Risk Management Best Practices Track

The track leader is Ken Reed. He developed these nine sessions that apply to some of the greatest challenges that HSEQ professionals face…

Each of the nine sessions offers an opportunity for HSEQ professionals to explore exclusive knowledge and best practices from industry leaders around the world. To learn more about each session in the track, CLICK HERE.
And don’t forget that you can choose sessions in any other track to customize your Summit schedule. See all eight Best Practice Tracks HERE.
But there are more than these nine sessions in the Safety & Risk Managenet Best Practices Track. Read on to find out what else of value you can experience.
Second, there are five fantastic Keynote Speakers. They will educate and motivate you to insist upon world-class performance at your company.

See their topics HERE.
Third, there is unparalleled networking and benchmarking.

At the TapRooT® Summit, we have special activities to ensure you meet industry leaders and make new contacts and friends. By the end of the Summit, you may say this is the best networking event you have ever attended. Many do.
Plus, every track has at least one session that promotes benchmarking.
Fourth, the Summit is FUN!

I don’t know how many times (but it is many) that Summit participants have thanked me not only for the knowledge and best practices they are taking back to work but also for the fun they had during the week.

From the Name Game to the Reception to the after-hour activities organized through the Summit’s Whova app, people enjoy the Summit and have fun while learning. In fact, we think people are better learners when they are having fun.
But There’s MORE!
In addition to
- the Keynote Speakers,
- the breakout sessions in the Best Practice Tracks,
- the networking and benchmarking, and
- the fun,
there are 11 pre-Summit Courses that you can choose from to improve your professional knowledge. They are offered on Monday-Tuesday before the Summit (September 29-30). Continuing Education Units are available for these courses (1.6 CEUs). These 2-day courses make it a “Summit week” from Monday through Friday.
Whether you want to:
- Improve your communication and presentation skills, or
- Develop an incident command system, or
- Become a better TapRooT® User, or
- Improve your interview skills, or
- Stop human errors, or
- Evaluate your company’s culture, or
- Use data to improve performance, or
- Learn to use TapRooT® RCA proactively, or
- Become a better TapRooT® Software User, or
- Troubleshoot equipment problems more efficiently, or
- Learn to use TapRooT® RCA to evaluate precursor incoidents,
There is a course for you. See all 11 courses HERE and decide which one is best for you.
27 Opportunities
- Nine sessions in the Safety & Risk Management Best Practice Track,
- Five fantastic Keynote Spears to learn and be motivated by,
- One big opportunity to network and benchmark,
- Some great fun while learning, and
- 11 pre-Summit Courses to choose from.
I count 27 opportunities for HSEQ professionals to learn, network, benchmark, and have fun. So don’t miss the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit week – September 29 through October 3..
Summit Guarantee
Have you ever attended a conference with a guarantee? We think the Global TapRooT® Summit guarantee is unique.

Attend the Global TapRooT® Summit, then go back to work and implement your roadmap to success. If you don’t save 10 times the cost of the Summit fee, let us know and return your Summit materials, and we will refund 100% of the Summit registration fee. This guarantee shows how certain we are that you will learn valuable best practices to take your team’s performance—and that of your whole organization—to the next level.
Register Early for a Chance to WIN a Prize

If you register for the Summit before June 13, you qualify to win a prize. The earlier you register, the more chances you get.

When you register early, you will be enrolled in the drawing for a new Apple iPad! (Must be present at the Summit Ready, Set, Go! kick-off to win.) The earlier you register, the more chances you get to win.
Bring a Team and Get a Discount
Also, consider bringing multiple attendees (a team) to a pre-Summit Course and the Summit for even more discounts (up to $900 off the combined Summit and pre-Summit fee of $3,090 for each attendee that you register at the same time). See the potential discounts below.

Watch This Video
If you want to learn more about why you should attend the Summit, watch this video…