How far away is death? Everglades alligator vs. python

A biker enjoying nature recently in Everglades National Park came upon an alligator chomping on a python.
Alison Jocelyn, the Everglades biker, wrote in a December 20, 2023, Facebook post, “That’s one less python to terrorize the Everglades.”
WJTV reported that, “In her Facebook post, Joslyn noted that the massive gator looked sluggish and questioned if it was due to the cold or if it was tired from fighting the snake.

Joslyn observed, “Gator was quite lethargic and I was wondering if it might be the cold, he was tired from fighting the snake, maybe got bit by the snake, started swallowing the snake, and had to stop because it was too big? Other thoughts?”
The WJTV interview with Joslyn also revealed that “she told Nexstar’s WFLA that she estimated the gator to be about 10 feet long. As for the snake, Joslyn said the reptile was “’already partway down the alligator’s throat and kind of wrapped around’” but said it seemed to be “’at least as long as the gator.’”
Content source/credit: WJTV, “Alligator chows down on python in wild video captured by Florida cyclist,” by Kaycee Sloan, December 4, 2023.
Photos source/credit: Alison Jocelyn, Facebook, December 20, 2023, used by permission of photographer.