How Equifactor® Troubleshooting Leads to Human Error RCA

When companies experience downtime due to equipment failures, more often than not, they will simply fix the equipment and get it running again — only to have the same issue repeat soon afterward — while the real answer is Equifactor® Troubleshooting.
Time is money, and equipment downtime is very costly — if you ignore the timesaving, money-saving, manpower-saving benefits of Equifactor® Troubleshooting.
In this TapRooT® TV video, Benna Hughes and Ken Reed discuss doing a complete Equifactor® Troubleshooting, and how it gets to the real root cause of the problem and allows you to apply the necessary corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence.
When performing a root cause analysis using TapRooT®, it is critical that you gather the right information for the problem at hand. This can be safety information, environmental procedures, policies, and work instructions for a particular task, etc. It is usually pretty obvious what types of data you need for the type of investigation you’re performing.
Equifactor® & TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis are powerful methods to ensure your machinery issues are correctly fixed the first time.
Apply Heinz Bloch’s techniques and the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System to understand and prevent equipment failures. This includes developing troubleshooting plans, getting a clear picture of how the failure occurred, and identifying and fixing the root causes of the issues. Companies find there are significant savings when repeat failures are eliminated.
Sometimes, additional TapRooT® data-gathering tools are required for specific types of problems. Equifactor® is one of those tools.
It is designed to be used to help your equipment maintenance and reliability folks figure out the root causes of mechanical or electrical failures.
Ken tells us,
People often make the mistake of trying to correct problems (corrective actions) or find root causes BEFORE they understand what happened. Why did they do this? Because they thought they already knew the answer. They have “seen this before.” Thus, they thought they didn’t have to ask about what happened.
Unfortunately, they were usually wrong. Why? Because there are many causes and they only knew a few.
The Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting investigation process saves you time, steps, money, and frustration, and allows you to resolve the issue(s) with finality.
Contact us for more information or visit our website to learn more and register for an Equifactor® course.
It is estimated that about 90% of equipment failures have a human error root cause. Ken gives us a great example in this TapRooT® TV video. Also, follow up by reading Mark Paradies’ article about equipment failure and root cause analysis.
Sharpen your equipment troubleshooting skills with Equifactor® Troubleshooting.
Learn about Equifactor® Troubleshooting. Register your team for an Equifactor® course today — or contact us to discuss training your employees on-site.