Highlighting On-Site TapRooT® Training in Saudi Arabia

We enjoy highlighting TapRooT® course participants as well as our valued TapRooT® Instructors – this particular course was in Saudi Arabia. Many thanks to TapRooT® Instructor Reb Brickey for passing along these pictures received from Mr. Abdullah Alruwaished. Also, featured in one picture is Instructor Ali Al-Ayoub.

When TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis is training on-site at an organization, many company employees can be trained simultaneously — a real benefit for ensuring employees are trained on the same page.
Looking at these images from the Saudi Arabia TapRooT® Course, can you see yourself learning new skills to solve problems in a TapRooT® RCA on-site course?
Put yourself in the picture by becoming trained in troubleshooting and identifying root causes of issues and incidents.
Would you like to learn more about on-site TapRooT® Training? The TapRooT® Advantage is a systematic process to find and fix the root causes of audits/assessments, precursor incidents, and major accidents. Use TapRooT® RCA to:
- Collect, understand, and organize evidence about what happened. The TapRooT® tool, the SnapCharT® diagram, reduces investigator bias and makes the facts make sense without developing hypotheses.
- Identify all the Causal Factors (the human errors or equipment failures) that led to the problem – the starting point for root cause analysis.
- Use expert guidance to analyze human errors using the Human Performance Troubleshooting Guide and equipment failures using the Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables.
- Analyze the real root causes of problems guided by the Root Cause Tree® Diagram and Dictionary.
- Develop effective fixes for problems using the Corrective Action Helper® Guide and Safeguard Analysis to stop repeat incidents or significantly reduce their consequences.
Read TapRooT® Co-Creator Mark Paradies’ article, “How to Schedule an On-Site TapRooT® Course.”
Become trained in troubleshooting and identifying root causes of issues and incidents.
REGISTER TODAY for a TapRooT® course and gain advantage, experience, and expertise from our professional instructors. Here are listings for our upcoming 2-Day and 5-Day courses:
We are global to meet your needs. If you need other times or locations, please see our full selection of COURSES.
If you would like for us to teach a course at your workplace, please REACH OUT HERE to discuss what we can do for you, or call us at 865.539.2139.