Heinz Bloch’s Advice for Improving Equipment Reliability and Saving Big Money

Heinz Bloch’s advice was always sage. He was one of the world’s preeminent experts in equipment reliability. And that’s why his advice was so profound. This is a little of his advice…
He told me that the biggest reliability problem at any industrial facility is REPEAT FAILURES.
He said he would “bet a dollar on a donut” that if you went into any machine shop, 90%+ of the work would be to fix equipment that had failed before.
Why Repeat Failures Happen
Heinz said there were only two reasons that equipment kept failing over and over:
1. Ineffective root cause analysis.
2. Ineffective corrective actions.
Heinz said that the first cause – ineffective root cause analysis – was the most likely problem in maintenance organizations.
How to Fix These Problems
Heinz said that the fix was so obvious that everyone should be applying it. They simply had to learn and apply the troubleshooting and root cause analysis tools taught in the Equifactor® and TapRooT® Training.
Then, they could fix the root causes and stop the repeat failures. This would save amazing amounts of money for companies because their equipment failure rate would plummet.
He then said that if people were using TapRooT®, ineffective corrective actions would not be a problem … unless there was some sort of organizational reason that people were not fixing things (budget problems or some political reason that made people unwilling to change).
2023 Global TapRooT® Summit is Part of the Solution
He convinced me that we need a track at the 2023 Summit that, when combined with the Equifactor® Training held just prior to the Summit, would help people stop these needless repeat failures. And better yet … He wanted to speak on that track to share his best practices for improving equipment reliability. To make things even more exciting, he was going to ask Hurl Elliott, his co-author, to participate.
Unfortunately, Heinz passed away in 2022. But the Summit goes on. CLICK HERE to find out more about the Equipment Reliability Best Practices Track.
If you are interested in improving equipment reliability, save the dates April 24-28, 2023, and plan to be at the Margaritaville Lake Resort at Lake Conroe near Houston, Texas, for the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit. The 2-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training will be held April 24-25, and the Equipment Reliability Best Practices Track is planned for April 26-28.

We will continue to pass along Heinz Bloch’s wisdom and share the techniques in the Equifactor® Courses we teach. Thus, we will keep Heinz’s legacy alive.