Friday Joke: Why People Choose NOT To Use TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis

Here are the TOP TEN reasons why people DON’T use TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis to find root causes:
10. They like the feeling of hopelessness when they can’t find a good answer.
9. They like wasting time implementing ineffective corrective actions.
8. They like visits from unhappy regulators after accidents.
7. They like doing things the hard way.
6. They always do the opposite things that the best-in-class companies are doing.
5. They like feeling unprepared when management reviews their incident investigation.
4. They like talking to unhappy clients about quality problems.
3. They like placing blame and don’t need to find root causes.
2. They like crisis management.
1. They like investigating incidents over and over again – it keeps them in practice!
If you would like to learn a root cause analysis system used by industry leaders around the world, CLICK HERE.