Friday Fun Trivia

Did you know that . . .
“The tallest mallard duck to have ever lived (since records began) known as ‘Longboi.’ He lives on the campus of the University of York, England. He stands just over 1m tall (3.5ft).”
This bit of important trivia was shared by Dick King-Smith, author of over 130 children’s books, including The Sheep-Pig, which the film Babe is based on.
Want to know more about Longboi? Check out the big duck in this piece about his award-winning ways.
Change the way you work. Improve your safety record, human error/performance stats, team-building at the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit
Don’t forget to register yourself and your team for the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit, June 14-18, Knoxville, Tennessee. Attend virtually or in-person. Learn more by checking out the Summit brochure, Pre-Summit courses, keynote speakers, and venue.
Register 3 people or more and SAVE. Also, save when you register for the Summit plus one of the 2-Day Pre-Summit courses. See the Summit schedule to choose what will best benefit you and your team.
Whether you attend virtually or in-person, your and your team will leave transformed, with a roadmap to success.